Wednesday, October 17, 2007


This website is very interesting. I believe some of the content to be true and original, but some of the humorous ones just seem to be fake. These postcards are from various people around the country, and were all put into a book. I can’t imagine why someone would send in a funny postcard that wasn’t theirs just for kicks, because this would take effort and time. So therefore I am inclined to think that all the postcards are original in that someone had to sit down and at the very least stamp and mail the postcard. Now some of the phrases might be stolen from another postcard, but the intent of the sender was there.
For some people this might be a way for them to air their deepest secrets. Some people are incapable of telling other people information, and using this method, there is still that anonymity that the sender might want. However if I were posting a deep secret of mine, I would want people to know who it was from, because sometimes that is the best part of telling secrets; trusting someone enough to let them in on a very personal piece of information.
The postcard that struck me was the black and white photo with a young girl holding a black cat in front of an old car. The card reads, “I don’t miss you any more daddy, I miss the daddy you could have been.” Black and white photos always draw people’s immediate attention, as it did mine. The picture of the young girl just standing there looking out speaks volumes; not even looking at the writing I was able to tell that this little girl was in some way hurt. The sender of this postcard might have been someone that never had a father in her life, and she is finally at peace with that, just sad of “what her daddy could have been.’

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